Dr. Daniel Govender
Daniel Govender is a highly esteemed professional Academic Head of Law and Administration at Regent Business School, Senior Lecturer, and former Academic Manager. He has six years of experience within private higher education and 31 years as a Senior Manager within local government, responsible for programs at a strategic level: planning, budgeting, stakeholder management, political office, and community engagement. Daniel served as President / Vice President of the KwaZulu-Natal Cricket Union, including as the Chair and Board member of Professional Cricket of KwaZulu-Natal Cricket Union. Daniel has successfully published articles in local media and accredited government journals and is a forward-thinking industry leader with excellent networking and collaboration skills.
His excellent work ethic, unquestionable integrity, and membership in the Institute of Directors of South Africa makes him well-positioned to fully engage on all fiduciary responsibilities as dictated for by the Company’s Act.