REGENT BUSINESS SCHOOL will be supporting you throughout the nationwide lockdown with a series of short videos, created by James Sturdee (registered psychological counsellor at RBS). These videos will provide health and wellness support during your time at home, allowing you to get more value from your study-from-home experience. To make a booking with our counsellor, email [email protected].
Schedule of Lockdown Video Series
Week 1
- Introduction to the Lockdown Video Series, 30-03-2020
- Making a Wellness Schedule, 01-04-2020
- Online Counselling, 03-04-2020
Week 2
- Keeping up Morale, 06-04-2020
- Positive Psychological Techniques Part, 1 08-04-2020
- Positive Psychological Techniques Part 2, 10-04-2020
Week 3
- Positive Psychological Techniques Part 3, 15-04-2020
- Nutrition, 17-04-2020
Week 4
- Exercise, 20-04-2020
- Stress Management, 22-04-2020
- Conflict Management, 24-04-2020
Week 5
- Relaxation Techniques Part 1, 29-04-2020
Week 6
- Relaxation Techniques Part 2, 05-05-20
- Relaxation Techniques part 3 07-05-2020
- Relaxation Techniques part 4 09-05-2020