About Counselling
Counsellors listen and help you find solutions to problems you might be facing. Counselling is a free service for all currently enrolled REGENT students and staff members. A counsellor will help by listening without judgement, offering new perspectives, and working with you on strategies that are right for you. Whatever you say is strictly confidential!
Counselling may help if you have been experiencing:
- Thoughts of pulling out of your course or REGENT BUSINESS SCHOOL;
- A sense that something is wrong;
- Physical signs of emotional stress;
- Sleep problems;
- Concentration problems;
- Feelings that are new or that worry you; or
- Thoughts of harming yourself.
Counselling is not about:
- Performing miracles;
- Providing quick fixes;
- Telling you what to do;
- Making moral judgments; or
- Putting you in a scary or formal situation.
Student Counselling is a confidential service and anything that you say or do will be kept in the strictest confidence.
There are specific occasions under which counselors are obligated by law to break this confidentiality such as when there is an immediate and specified risk of harm to an identifiable person.
Counsellors will inform you of the limits of confidentiality at your initial counseling session. We operate according to the Code of Ethics of our relevant boards of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
Urgent appointments
Crisis appointments to see a counselor can generally be organised in a 24-hour period, but it is important that you email us on [email protected] to inform us that this is what you need.
If you are unable to attend in person you can also make a time to speak to a counselor by phone. Email us with your request for this option and provide your telephone number to enable us to contact you.
Cancellation Policy
Please ensure that you cancel scheduled appointments at least 24 hours before you are due to attend your session.
The Counselling Service runs during vacations. The Service is closed on Public Holidays and when the University is not open (e.g. over the Christmas Period).