News & Articles


Lets commemorate human rights day

LETS COMMEMMORATE HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Human Rights Day is commemorated annually on March 21st to hallmark the sacrifices made during the struggle for the attainment of democracy in South Africa. This commemoration traces to the systematic defiance and protests against Apartheid and racism across the country. On March 21st, demonstrators from Sharpeville as well as…

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REGENT Business School (proud member of Honoris United Universities) announce sponsorship of international scholarships

INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS TO STUDY AT WORLD-CLASS INSTITUTIONS Honoris United Universities has announced that it will be providing sponsorships for two graduates (through its sponsors) from any of the 7 Honoris United Universities (including REGENT Business School) to complete a postgraduate qualification at the world’s leading educational establishments. The graduates will have the opportunity to apply…

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Dreaming of a Sustainable and Corruption-free South Africa

It was Michelangelo, world famous sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who once articulated that “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it”. All it required was imagination. So join me in a journey of imagination in South Africa. The year is 2032 and…

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Opening Night for Critical Conversations in Sustainability Seminar Series draws a large audience

Dhiru Soni 31 March 2017 The audience in a contemplative mood at the Main Auditorium, REGENT Business School during the Opening Night of the Critical Conversations in Sustainability Seminar Series. Picture by Viva Productions Held last Wednesday evening at REGENT Business School in Durban, The Critical Conversations in Sustainability Seminar Series Opening Night showcased a…

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The International Journal of Management Perspectives (IJMP)

The International Journal of Management Perspectives (IJMP) is an annual academic journal of REGENT Business School, South Africa. Manuscripts submitted for publication in IJMP should focus on management perspectives with a view to promoting research and discussion on issues relating to management and business in the context of regional and global development, and more specifically,…

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