


Why choose an MBA in Healthcare Management?

Should I pursue an MBA in Healthcare Management? Not ironically, professionals in the healthcare industry are faced with constant managerial challenges, including having to manage people, situations, resources and departments or organizations. All this leading to a common goal of providing quality care and saving lives, whilst minimizing risks to users of these services. The…

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Meeting the Post-COVID needs of the Finance Industry

There’s barely any area of life or business that hasn’t been upended by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact on banking and financial systems is no exception. It’s far too early to predict what the long term impact may be on the banking sector and financial institutions, but one thing is certain:…

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Education needs to ignite Entrepreneurship

by Professor Ahmed Shaikh Globally the perennial battle to alleviate poverty is an enduring one and in this respect South Africa is no exception. According to Statistics SA almost half of the adult popula­tion in our country is living below the upper-bound poverty line. While the battle against poverty has been a difficult one, the…

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Why you should study an MBA degree in South Africa

The benefits to studying an MBA in South Africa. Some of the most successful business professionals in South Africa have undergone the challenge of completing an MBA. To industry executives, an MBA is associated with employees that have valuable experience in a range of different business management areas and an ongoing focus of both the…

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It’s adapt or die for education as technology forges ahead

Higher education institutions have long been considered to be the repositories of knowledge and learning and the structures through which knowledge is produced and disseminated.  They have survived sweeping societal changes created by technology—the moveable-type printing press, previous Industrial Revolutions, information and communication technologies, electronic media, and computers.  Today, however, higher education institutions appear to…

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The importance of 21st century skills

In many cultures globally, turning 21 is seen as a milestone signifying a coming of age.  It signals a transition from childhood to adulthood.  As we enter the 21st year of the 21st century, the same can be said for the way we live and work in a rapidly changing world.  Our technologies are coming…

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distance learning benefits

The benefits of studying remotely

Unpacking the benefits of studying remotely through distance learning The year 2020 has shone a spotlight on the digital world more intensely than ever before. Due to the global pandemic, education systems from schools to universities and everything in-between have been forced to adapt their structures to fit the “new normal.” With a rise in…

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Authentic leadership in an era of crises

The dawn of the 21st century ushered in a plethora of multiple interconnected global challenges and changes, not least of them being issues of poverty, inequality, social injustice, climate change, globalisation, socio-political crises, unemployment, food insecurity, the digital era and the major technological disruptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). To add to this malaise, the…

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Covid can facilitate Entrepreneurship

Last year President Cyril Ramaphosa presented the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan which aimed to expedite the recovery of the country’s economy, severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular he referred to the support for entrepreneurship and small business development. He believed that this specific sector of the economy offered the greatest…

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Digital Marketing: The key to survival in a Post Covid World

As the world came to terms with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations across the globe were caught in a rush to develop alternate business models as countries worldwide implemented some form of lockdown. The unprecedented global lockdown led to the disappearance of traditional channels and became a barrier for the conventional face-to-face business…

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Practicing the 6 golden rules

Protect the community, protect the vulnerable, protect yourself by practicing the 6 golden rules. We are facing a second wave as a country.  A number of super spreader events have contributed to the second wave. We urge you to remain vigilant as we enter the festive holiday season as you visit family and friends and do your…

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Adapting marketing to the Post Covid: The New Normal

2020 has been a tumultuous year and the Covid Pandemic has drastically impacted all spheres of life. As governments across the world deliberate, escalate and de- escalate lock down strategies, businesses have been forced to adapt to a new reality.  In South Africa we have faired better than most and are currently in lockdown level…

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