Media Release

14 December 2017
REGENT Business School signs an MOU with the Egyptian Higher Education Ministry
REGENT Business School, a member of the Honoris United Universities, has cemented its position as a leading distance-learning institution in Africa by signing a memorandum of understanding with Egypt’s Higher Education Ministry. The MoU was signed during the recently held “Africa 2017” Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. This paves the way for the establishment of a campus in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.
South African trade and industry representatives together with the South African diplomatic staff based in Egypt joined the senior government delegation from Egypt to witness the MOU that was signed by Ahmed Shaikh, Managing Director of REGENT Business School, and the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education, His Excellency, Dr Khaled Abdel-Ghaffer on Saturday, 9 December 2017. Representative from SA’s Department of Trade and Industry, Lerato Mataboge, SA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, V.W. Mavimbela, a representative from the Egyptian Ministry of Trade, Dr Sherif el Kholy, Actis and cabinet members from the Egyptian government were present during the signing ceremony.
Headquartered in Durban, South Africa, REGENT Business School already has a global footprint and the opening of a campus in Egypt plugs into its vision of providing quality, internationally-recognised, supported distance learning education.
Managing Director of REGENT Business School, Ahmed Shaikh, added, “We are thrilled to be establishing our presence in a promising and vibrant country like Egypt. The programmes we offer at REGENT Business School are benchmarked against internationally recognized programmes and are unique in that they suitably fit the requirements of the local job market. Our undergraduate and postgraduate offerings are designed to equip students – Africa’s current and future leaders – with theoretical and practical expertise in the fields of business administration, commerce, management and leadership, entrepreneurship, and educational management so they can make a strong contribution in shaping our continent’s future.”
The institution’s expansion into North Africa follows its assimilation into the Honoris United Universities group in July this year. “Egypt was the preferred country to form an association because of its many similarities especially the preferred spoken language being English, making the delivery of its programmes easier,” explains Shaikh.
The Cairo campus will open for business during the first quarter of 2018. For more information, visit
*Honoris United Universities and its member institutions will continue with their quest to create pan-regional profile graduates with cross-border academic and work experience to be competitive in today’s fast-paced and demanding labour markets.
Images: Provided
Captions: Ahmed Shaikh, the MD of REGENT Business School signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education, Dr Khaled Abdel-Gaffer. In attendance are Lerato Mataboge (far right, The Department of Trade and Industry South Africa), Mr V W Mavimbela (SA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary). Dr Sahar Nasr Minister of Trade Egypt, a representative from Egyptian Government and Dr Sherif el Kholy partner-Actis